Tournament ID:
Entries Close:
La Jolla, CA
May 10-16, 2021
Wednesday Apr, 28 2021 11:59 PM (Pacific Time)
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This is TennisLink’s new virtual wallet feature. It will allow you to save your commonly used credit cards to help make future check-outs faster. Your wallet can only be saved if you are logged in to TennisLink and will only be associated with your account, regardless if you register another player for an event. You can save as many credit cards as you wish and you can remove them at any time. For more information on our privacy policy, see the links below. (Credit Card Processor) Privacy Policy
This is TennisLink’s new virtual wallet feature. It will allow you to save your commonly used credit cards to help make future check-outs faster. Your wallet can only be saved if you are logged in to TennisLink and will only be associated with your account, regardless if you register another player for an event. You can save as many credit cards as you wish and you can remove them at any time. For more information on our privacy policy, see the links below. (Credit Card Processor) Privacy Policy